Are Your Dreams Aligned With Your Passions?
Josh Hinds (c) 2003
Making sure our goals are properly aligned with our passions only makes sense. If you have the wish to move
up the corporate ladder, start your own business, or just about any other worthy goal you're going to make things a lot easier
on yourself if you're working on things that get you personally excited and make you feel alive when you're working on them
(i.e. following your passions).
We hear this a lot I know... But have you ever stopped to ask yourself why this is?
Hopefully this will help...
A simple rule of thumb is to do the things that you'd do if you weren't getting paid for them. The simple
reality is most any level of lasting achievement takes effort. Often it means going above and beyond the call of duty. Foregoing
something in return for the results you're sure you'll reap later on.
Even if others might not see you as exerting quite as much effort as they are (I get this all the time since
I "just sit at a computer all day and work from home"... Have you ever heard something similar?). Even so, you're putting
forth effort.
I can tell you I can't imagine how much I'd dread getting up each and everyday if what I was doing wasn't
aligned with something I also had a strong passion for. Believe me, it's a feeling worth exploring and implementing into your
own life.
In summary, I believe that following our passion allows us to sit in a more natural path with regards to achieving
our personal success. Why is that? Because instead of counting the hours till we get off and can work on other projects, we'll
be more excited about the task at hand.
Which I believe is a lot more likely to equate to your having a feeling of leading a a more productive life.
Wouldn't you agree? Not to mention, we're destined to have a whole lot more fun day to day (and I believe, in turn derive
more lasting meaning in our lives)...