
Combine Reason and Emotion
Expanding Your Gratitude
Security Enhancer
The Destiny Planner
Transformational Vocabulary
Integrate Financial Organization into Your Lifestyle
Make Saving a Habit
Be Innovative
Embrace New Responsibilities and Change
Focusing On What Matters Most

Every human being has the potential to take control of their life.We all have the power to acheive great things and live a life full of pleasure,accomplishment,and purpose.For most people,this power is sleeping deep inside,waiting

to be discovered and unleashed.

Although we live in an incredible age of prosperity and technological wonder,our lives have become so hectic,stressful,and out of balance that,to most people, control seems like a distant dream.It is imperative to under-

stand that the first step to gaining control of your life is to have the desire to change.

Through out history,successful people have had one obvious thing in common:self-discipline.High achievers are

always willing to do things that average humans are not willing to do.

Self -discipline is a personal system of rules that govern our individual words,thoughts,and actions.A personal system of training that establishes self-control and corrects,molds, and perfects our daily performance.

The disciplined person sets goals.He or she is living a life of self-discipline and control for the purpose of reaching

his or her daily,monthly,yearly,and lifelong goals.Many people don't set daily goals,they just live from day to day

and complain about how unfair life is.The selfdisciplined person moves deliberately each day toward something specific.What are your everyday and lifelong goals?

Everything in life is a matter of choice There are only two things in life in which we have no choice.We cannot change these two facts of life no matter how hard we try.The first unchangeable fact is that we must die.Death is an absolute fact.The second fact is that we must live a certain number of years before we die.Now understand this-everything else in your life is the result of your power to choose.Everything that you say, think,wear,drive,eat read,

watch,and do is a personal choice made by you.We live in the confines of what we call "our life" because we have created this existence through our individual ability to make choices.

Examine where you are in life.Where you are is where you have chosen to be.Consciously or unconsciously,you

have made this your life by choice.Understand that certain universal lawsof human nature are at play in your life.

Two basic laws of human performance is the law of effort and the law of choices.

The law of effort simply states that anything worth having in life requires effort,and the greater the goal,the greater the required effort.The difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don't usually comes down to effort.Achievement comes only to those who continually give mamimum effort and persist through

every adversity.Is your life working out the way you dreamed it would?Do you have the things you would like to have? Are you where you would like to be?

The law of choices states that our lives are what we choose them to be and that every circumstance is a product of these decisions.

The power of choice is the one control mechanism we possess that advertising,television,music and outside influence try to wrestle from us.When you see people wearing a certain popular style of clothing, or listening to a certain type of music,or eating a certain of food,you can see the influence that society has over their power of choice.When we lack self-discipline,our ability to make correct decisions based upon our needs and wants,and not those of society,becomes very weak.It is essential to our personal success and happiness that we continue this chain of selfdiscipline, correct decision-making and self -esteem.

There is a direct connection between the power of choice and our self-worth.As we develop selfdiscipline and condition ourselves to make correct choices, we in turn increase our self-esteem.Self-discipline enables us to win small victories each day over our habits,urges,and compulsive behavior.The more good choices we make,the more positive our self-esteem becomes.As our selfesteem builds we begin to develop powerful momentum in the direction of our goals.

Just as the chain reaction of good choices leads to increased self-esteem and self-discipline ,the momentum of

poor choices leads to depression, obesity,and poor daily perfomance.Have you ever had a bad day where you woke

up and didn't feel on top of the world? You decide to skip your morning execise session,trade a healthy breakfast

for coffee and donuts,and eat fast food for lunch.By the time dinner rolls around,you feel so depressed and lethargic from your poor decisions that you decide to plop in front of the television instead of working on your goals.The next morning you wake up feeling even more depressed and continue with this cycle of poor choices.

The natural human tendency to justify the circumstances in our lives by placing the blame on chance,other people

or lack of time is the direct result of low self-discipline.You must find the inner strenght to identify your own weaknesses and accept the challenge of changing them.In order to change your cycle of poor choices,you must

begin admitting that you have made poor choices and not justify or sidestep the blame.For most people,this is very

difficult admission ,but it is the necessary starting point of lasting chance.If you wish to develop self-discipline

and break the cycle of poor choices,you must embrace this concept.This is the only way to generate the power to

accomplish what you want,reach goals,and continue improving the quality of your life.

The power of choice must become a conscious area of focus through out the day.It is very important to understand

the impact that our daily choices have upon our lives.There is no doubt about it, you are what you choose to be.

Life is made up of thousands of choices,choices made each second of every day of your life.This,in essence, is how

you create your life-by the choices you make.

The ability to choose what is better for us,instead of what is easier on us.comes from the process of building up our self-discipline or willpower one step at a time.

The six elements of control

There are six main elements of control that must be addressed,studied, and practiced in order to harness this amazing power in our lives.

Goal management

Personal management

Thought control

Physical Discipline

Nutritional control

Professional discipline

A Balanced Life

Balance does not mean the equal application of time and energy to all tasks,but a division of time and energy that

equals success in each task.In everyday life it is not so easy to detect imbalance or inefficiencies in our daily schedule.

In other words,don't spend all of your time and effort on fixing your problem areas ,or your strengths and attibutes will be deficient.Once you are able to control the application of self-discipline in all areas of your life

noticing an imbalance is very easy.

If you stop and listen to your inner voice from to time,you will discover the answer to most of your problems.The

problem lies in the negative statements we make to ourselves that bring about negative circumstances.The old

adage"you are what you think"is one of the basic laws of human nature.Take the time to investigate your own

beliefs and thought patterns.Begin to eliminate the constant barrage of negative programming by focusing on

positive thoughts of accomplishment.Use the power of discipline to program your mind for success and happiness.

Think positive and optimistic thoughts,and good things will happen.

The majority of people today get so caught up in the daily grind that they soon forget why they are working so fast

and furiously.When was the last time you took a hard look at yourself and thought about why you go to work every morning?Have you ever thought about why you dress the way you do or why you work in the field of industry that you do?Why do you feel depressed or stressed out?When was the last time you analyzed your words,

thoughts,and actions to determine why you behave or think a certain way? All of these questions point to your

basic wants and problems.

In today's age of incredible technology and scientific wonders,there exist so many opportunities ,lifestyles,and

directions for a person to choose from that our chances of making wrong decisions are dramatically increased.As

with anything in life,there is good and bad in all things.Without an organized set of clear-cut goals,needs,desires,

and aspirations,it becomes very hard to determine exactly what options in life you have to choose from.To simplify

this subject further,we must first determine what it is we want in life,and exactly what outcome we desire.

Everyday we think,see,dream,and desire things in life.The problem is,we are unable to consciously focus and organize our efforts toward attaining them.The first and most crucial step to bringing discipline into our lives is accomplished by determining exactly what we want in our short existence.

What areas of your life are missing self-discipline? How often do you choose the easy way out?What habits and

traits do you possess that have more control over you than have over them?The world's most successful people,

from leaders of countries to parents who have a healthy,happy,and loving family,all share a single powerful habit:

the ability to set goals.Without a solid life plan and precisely defined goals, your life becomes the daily grind that

has neither meaning nor purpose.

The mastery of goal management is nothing more than knowing where we want to go, creating a map to get there,

and using personal management skills to navigate safely.By mastering self-discipline we are able to keep afloat when we hit some rocks or need to wheather the storms of life.A life without goal is one that leads to little product

ivity and personal effectiveness,but also provides little happiness and even less fulfillment.

Highly successful individuals ,world leaders,great artists,and history's most influential people all have one thing

in common; they use self-discipline on a daily basis to achieve their goals.Clear and have specific goals are the

essential foundation of not only self-discipline but also a lifetime of health,wealth ,and longevity.Self-discipline

goals are defined by personal improvement.Once you identify areas of your life that you wish to gain total control

over,you have now defined specific areas of improvement.

Self -discipline goals are essential to generating self-control,motivation,and persistence,the other three key

ingredients needed for self-discipline

Simply wanting something is not enough-you must define,refine,focus,and schedule specific actions that you will

take to have what you desire.The amazing power of self-discipline can alter your life if you simply understand the process and forces at work in the human body and mind.Think of your life as a ship upon the sea,and the habit of

goal management a complete navigation system.The early years of your life are like the building of a great ship.

This great ship is carefully and meticulously pieced together over time with the information and experiences of your childhood.How seaworthy your vessel is depends upon a great many factors and situations,but it is never too

late to rebuild your ship.

The process of mastering self-discipline is like that of rebuilding our ship,we throw out all the harmful and useless junk,fix the leaking holes,and install a new and powerful navigation system that will take us swiftly to meeting our goals.

How much money would make you secure to retire?

What is your dream home like and where would you like to live?

What is your favorite hobby?

How much personal quiet time do you have per day?

Are your house possesions ,office ,vehicles and finances well organized?

What would you like your gravestone to read?

Are you happy with your body?

Where do you want to be 5,10 or 20 years from now?This is not so much a question of location as it is a quetion

of your position in life.How often have you sat down and made an honest attempt to answer this question?

Going through life without a set of clearly defined goals is like driving down a street in a large city without

directions or any real idea of where you want to go.Now that you have completed the exercise,it is time to put this

information to use.

The very first step to developing a personal plan of action toward achieving your goals is to list all of the possible

ways in which a particular goal might be achieved.

When was the last time you actually thought about,developed,and executed a plan for reaching a goal or objective

in your life?If you are like most people,probably never.Almost everybody who lives on this planet has goals they

would like to achieve in life,but often believe that fate,destiny,or just plain luck is why a select few actually succeed and they don't Regardless of what excuse we use to validate our lack of action,there is no escaping the

fact that action without planning is the number one cause of failure in business and life.


In order to take control of your life you must allow your goals and strategies to dominate your thoughts and actions.Spend 90% of your time and energy working toward your goals by utilizing mental self-discipline ,physical activities,proper diet ,and knowledge acquisition to help develop ideas and strategies for achievement.By

thinking nonstop of the realization of your dreams,you develop a remarkable belief and determination that will

truly amaze you.The self-disciplined person expects success.Every morning begin by thinking of how you will look

feel,and act like an achiever.Picture the happiness and joy you will feel at the end of your life,knowing that you

have mastered personal success and reached your goals.

The act of using self-discipline to set and regularly review your life's goals will allow your mind to see opportunities that will fulfill your desires.

Persistence is what separates the successful people from the almost-successful people

The lack of personal management skills is the number one problem facing all people,companies ,and teams.The

control of our time management,organizational and personal communications skills is the greatest battle we must

win in order to become successful.Effective personal management elevates ordinary men and women,with blind determination,to the top of the performance food chain.

Self-discipline ,combined with personal management skills,is the golden key that opens the door to your potential.

Of course we all want to have certain things in life,but before you begin to see improvements in your outside world,you must first raise the standards in your inner world.This is accomplished by effective personal manage-

ment,which means honing your time management skills and decision-making ability ,mastering your moods, and

building a foundation of character strength.Personal management is a very powerful tool that can be developed for achieving almost anything that you can dream.

Before you can begin to manage your life,you must get a grasp on what needs to managed.When was the lat time

you sat down with a notebook and took an inventory of your responsibilities,daily tasks,and possessions? If you

are like most people,probably not in the last five years.An effective personal management system is made up of three key elements,which you must learn.These are time discipline,self-control,and character construction.

Have you ever taken the time to notice the plethora of electronic gizmos that today's working warrior carries on an average day?We have cellular phones and beepers to stay in touch,laptop computers for mobile office work,

watches that display calenders and pocket computers that manage our time and even keep track of the stock market.Yet,considers time management to be the hardest skill to master.How can this be?To put it simply,if you

lack the personal ability to discipline your time,all of the gizmos in the world aren't going to help you.

Technology and computers are designed to enhance your efficiency,but if you lack the basic skills of time discipline to begin with, they only serve to create more confusion.

A properly designed time discipline book should include an area at the beginning of the book for your contact list.

The power of the subconscious mind is amazing.The act of preparing your daily tasks the evening before your day

begins helps ingrain this information in your subconscious mind.As you sleep or go about your business before bed,your subconscious mind is busy at work preparing answers and data that relate to your specific tasks for the

following day.Another advantage to writing down your tasks the evening before is that you can now begin to pre-

pare yourself for the day ahead.

Action without proper planning is the number one cause of failure in business and life.Now that you have prepared your list of tasks,the next step in the time discipline system is to write out a detailed course of action

statement beside each task.

Your brain operates much like a computer.It needs a focused program of directions to attack a project.Working without a course of action is like trying to operate a computer without an operating system.

Now that you have successfully established the tasks you must accomplish tomorrow,along with a course of action

to clearly define your plan,you must find out which ones have a higher priority than others.Creating a priority scale is simply the act of finding out which tasks are relevant to your overall goals and which are irrelevant.The

ability to see what needs to be done and prioritize accordingly is a learned skill.In order to help you determine the

priority level of a specific task, you should ask yourself,"What impact does this task have on my job,my productivity,and my life goals?"

We need to coordinate our activities on a weekly scale.A weekly grid is nothing more than a spyglass that allows

us to plan on a week by week basis.A weekly grid allows us to stay ahead of constant changes in our schedule and

balance time between work,home, and personal affairs.

Self-control is simply the act of controlling our emotions,actions,thoughts,and words in every situation.Sounds

simple, but it takes incredible mental discipline to maintain selfcontrol and focus on your life-mission.Everyone

has been exposed to discipline as a child-perhaps by too much discipline,too little discipline,unbalanced discipline,or the wrong kind of discipline.Now is the time to asses our personal discipline and management and

work on our self-control.Practice thinking about your self-control by recognizing your dominant moods,words,

attitude ,and habits through out the course of an average day.The first step to gaining self-control is one of identifying the areas in our lives that are out of control.We have to take a close look at the food we eat,the bad habits we have,the character traits we possess,and the overall direction of our lives.Once we identify those things

we need more control over, we can start small by gaining little victories each day.

Nothing brings more perspective to our lives than writing down a list of possessions, habits,cravings,and behaviors.

It can be a real eye-opening experience to see an inventory of your life written out before your eyes.

When you take an inventory of your life,you are actually creating a detailed dossier or personal profile from which you can see areas that need to be controlled.

A technique for gaining self-control over our cravings and habits involves a selfinspection of our daily lives.By

performing an inventory of our bad behaviors and habits, we can focus our efforts on controlling them.

Personal inventory:Find a quiet and private place to sit down with a paper and pen.Begin taking an overall inventory of your bad habits,destructive cravings,and uncontrolled behaviors.Create a list for work,home,relation

ship,and character traits.

There are three keys areas of our lives that we must focus on closely to begin developing selfcontrol.These three

key areas are the hardest to exercise control over, but are crurcial to developing a strong foundation of self-

discipline.These are attitude,communications,and habits

Disciplined people understand that what comes out of their mouths is a direct reflection of who they are and what

they are.

Learn to say NO to your destructive urges,uncontrolled cravings and selfish desires.

A very effective technique is called the power band.This method involves wearing a piece of colored string or rubber band around your wrist to constantly remind yourself of the habit or craving you are going to control today.Take a large rubber band and write the bad habit or behavior that you wish to focus on for this particular day and wear it around your wrist to constantly remind you of your control.

Disciplined people are always looking to improve their character and personality by exploiting their strong character traits and demolishing their weak habits.Start noticing what is weak in you and begin enhancing what is strong.Your character is the sum of all your stengths and the image you project from your actions,words,

appearance,and work ethic.

The "fire inside"that fuels your efforts and makes accomplishments worth achieving is your motivation.

Motivation is a group of reasons that develop a desire to accomplish,have,act,and perform in a manner that will

satisfy a certain desire.Strong motivation is the underlying power behind some of the world's greatest achievements.Motivation is responsible for creating actions,thoughts,and situations that are directed toward a

specific accomplishment.There is no use in trying to master self-discipline if you lack the motivation to have it.

Every human being has been motivated by something at some point in their lives.

Many people encounter obstacles when they try to motivate themselves to achieve a certain goal,and these obstacles are often false motivators.A false motivator is something that elicits a temporary emotion to have something and not a long-term desire to accomplishs a goal.False motivation is the main problem behind most

humans ' poor daily performance.

True motivation is the result of a strong personal desire that focuses a person's thoughts,words,and actions in such a way as to elicit 100% effort.

Persistence is the ability to continue through adversity-the ability to brush off failure and stay focused on our

goals.Persistence is continued action and effort toward an objective ,even in the face of multiple failures.Success

does not come without experiencing failure,and the only way to defect failure is through persistence and perseve-

rance.All highly motivated and successful people have found success and happiness with a never-say-die attitude.

Of the ingredients required for self-discipline,persistence is probably the most powerful,because without persistence you will never experience success.You must plan to never give up,even before you begin.If you mentallymotivate yourself to keep trying no matter what,you will subconsciously program yourself for persistence.

If you are motivated,have self-control,and build strong character traits,but give up at the first sign of failure,you

will never experience self-discipline or success.

Creating a strong character,keeping motivated ,and staying persistent are keys to a life of accomplishment.How-

ever,we must constantly be on guard against our natural tendency to make excuses.We make excuses to justify our

poor level of performance and to avoid looking at our own weaknesses.Nothing will destroy your character faster

than the "excuse virus".Our natural tendency t o make excuses can be likened to a virus because it slowly degrades our ability to accept responsibility.

What areas of your life are missing self-disclipine? How often do you choose the easy way out? What habits and

traits do you posses that have more control over you than you have more control over you than you have over them?.The disciplines you establish today will determine your health,wealth ,and success tomorrow.Do you remember the age-old saying that"Nobody's perfect"?All humans have faults,bad habits,and character flaws,but

the superhuman uses self-discipline to reduce his or her flaws and stand above the average human.Developing

self-discipline is not the act of punishment,total restriction,self-inflicted pain or behaving like a robot.Self-disci-

pline is a tool that each of us possesses to exact control over how we act,think,speak,and live,but the less we use

of it,the more out of control our lives become.

The human brain has over 100 billion nerve cells, called neurons.Each of these has a number of branches that

connect to other neurons.Most experts estimate that we have close to 1000 trillion brain connections,and probably

more. If you were able to string out all your brain connections in a straight line,they would circle the Earth appr-

oximately tem times.During a fetus's nine-month gestation period in the womb,brain cells form connections at the

rate of 250,000 cells per minute.Even more amazing is the fact that all of these connections are pre-wired in the

genes of a fertilized egg,which is smaller than the point of a needle.The mathematician John von Neumann once

calculated that the human mind can store up to 280 quintillion bits of memory-that's 280,000,000,000,000,000,000.A computer\'s speed is a measured in flops,and the world's fastest supercomputer can

process information at the speed of 100,000 teraflops{a teraflop is 1 trillion flops).What this means is that your

brain is more powerful than one million supercomputers.

In spite of all this magnificent computing power that we possess,most humans are hard pressed to remember names and numbers.Some of the world's most famous superhumans,such as Albert Einstein,Leonardo da Vinci,

and Stephen Hawking ,only tapped into a tiny fraction of their brainpower.These individuals seem so amazing and talented that we label them as geniuses and hold them up as examples of superintelligence.What is the hidden secret to the immense talents of these superhumans?Einstein's brain has been studied by thousands of

researchers for over 40 years and the one notable fact that was found from all of these studies was that Einstein had an increased number of glial cells( they help transfer signals between neurons) in his left parietal lobe.Glial

cells increase as we learn more and challenge our brain more often.Likewise,these connections can shrivel and

disappear when we crease to learn or challenge our minds.The ability to increase our intelligence and mental

performance is directly related to how much time and effort we spend challenging our minds and learning new


Wise people since the dawn of time have been telling us what we accomplish or fail to accomplish in life is a

direct result of how we think about our talents,abilities, and potential."All that we think,we become."

Our life is what our thoughts make it.Good or bad.Triumphant or hopeless.Miserable or joyous.In order to begin

taking control of your life,you must understand that if you fail to believe in your talents and God-given abilities,

then you are truly doomed to failure.If you believe that your background,childhood,or genetic abilities are limited

to your present existence,then the world will go along with your evaluation and treat you as you treat yourself.

Most experts agree that we use only between 5% and 20% of our minds.What about the other 80% to 95% of our

brains? In the mountains of India,devout Yogis have the ability to control their heartbeat,breathing,digestion and

nervous functions.These wise men have been practicing and learning about the wonders of the human mind for

over 5,000 years and have taken human mental powers to a new level of existence.By utilizing breathing and

meditation techniques,these wise men are able to withstand extreme eliminates without clothing,endure enormous amounts of pain,and go for extended periods of time without sleep or food.

Our minds have three totally separate and distinct entities.The conscious mind,the subconscious mind,and the

mind's eye.

The Conscious Mind

Part of your brain's main function is the perservation and survival of your body; it wants to save your life.This

is your conscious mind.It is your basic animal instincts and reactions.It guides you in the struggles in the material environment.It also gathers information about your surroundings and records experiences of pain and

pleasure,through your five physical senses: touch,taste,sound,sight and smell.The conscious mind is the decision

maker.It calls upon the subconscious mind for data,assesses your best interests,and formulates a decision.

The Subconscious Mind

Behind your conscious mind is an entity that manages your conscious reactions and instincts.This part of you

is called the subconscious mind.It s main function is the storage of information gathered by your conscious mind.

Your subconscious has a set method of cataloging and associating information for retrieval when the conscious

mind calls for it.This is where we interpret and decode our conscious thoughts in our own unique way as well as

build up an arsenal of learned actions like riding a bicycle,playing the guitar,or dancing a polka.

When you perform tasks that you really don't remeber consciously thinking about,your subconscious mind has

taken over.For example,you get in your car after a long and hard day of work and the next think you know you

are sitting in your driveway wondering how you got there.Think of the many actions necessary to get you home,

from unlocking the car door to merging into traffic to pulling into your driveway.This feat comes about through

the subconscious mind.

This "second mind" is ab le to perform tasks twice as fast as the conscious mind, because it is preprogrammed to

perform a certain task without conscious thought.

The subconscious mind is a powerful ally as you strive for mental discipline.We can achieve enhanced performance,organization,happiness,and instant action.Our subconscious responds to suggestion and reprogram-

ming much like a computer.Through mental discipline,we can control the information and sensory input throught our conscious mind.Just as your behavior and actions have once been learned and stored,you can repro-

gram and reorganize this process and thereby take control of your subconscious mind.To be successful at the

endeavor, certain tasks must be committed to the subconscious mind by the techniques discussed in the next section.

When you know how to reprogram your subconscious,you gain the powerful weapon of mental discipline.You must remember that when your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it immediately begins to execute it.It uses all

of its mighty resources to that end.This holds true for both good and bad ideas.Consequently,if you flood your

mind with negativ e thoughts and statements,it brings trouble,failure,and confusion.When you begin thinking to

enchance your present performance in life,you subconscious brings guidance,freedom,and peace of mind.The right answer and proper action are inevitable when your thoughts are positive,constructive ,and loving.From this,

it is perfectly clear that the one thing you must do to take control of your life is to accept this mission and train

your subconscious mind.

The Mind's Eye

The third and most underestimated entity of the mind is called the mind's eye.The mind's eye is the picture,movie,

or video screen that is present in our thoughts.The mind's eye is the television we use in our brain to view all of

the images we formulate from the past,present ,and desired future.It's our imagination,our fantasies, and our

dreams.When we close our eyes and view certain images that we induce through thought,we are using the mind's

eye.Your mind's eye is much more powerful than the two we have beside our nose.It possesses the ability to elicit

pain,pleasure,power,riches,happiness,sadness,and just about every emotion we can feel or express.We use our

mind 's eye to reprogram our subconscious mind and thereby alter moods,feelings,thoughts,and actions by means

of internal visual stimulation.

Just as you can train your body for strength and power,you can train mental processing and your mind as well.

Your brain requires proper and clean fuel,exercise,stimulation,and the rest in order to function at optimal levels,

just as your body does.The brain or computer you carry in your head is just as unique to you as your body and can

be sculptured,strengthened,and enhanced in a similar fashion.However,it can be slowly poisoned,neglected mal-

nourished ,and misunderstood to the point that it begins to break down and ultimately die.

Your mind and body can perform amazing miracles if properly use d and conditioned for success and performance.

The disciplined mind is constantly being reinforced challenged and bombarded with powerful positive thoughts

and information directly related to enhanced performance and elevated happiness.The uncontrolled mind allows

negative thoughts to guide physical behaviors and is constantly focused on pleasure and instant gratification.In

order to break free from this prison,you must begin destroying your limited thinking patterns and start developing

the tremendous power of mental discipline.You must comprehend the fact that your thoughts design your life and

you cannot afford the damage created by even one negative thought.The mind must be conditioned to direct every

thought to be one that will elevate your performance for the pursuit of your goals and dreams.

Visualization simply involves actually thinking and imagining the results that you desire.By picturing the body

you want to have, viewing the house and place you wish to own,or writing a statement of personal improvement,

you are reprogramming you subconscious mind.Bombarding your mind with positive pictures and statements is much like the medical application of radiation to bombard and destroy cancer cells.You annihilate old thought

patterns and reactions,allowing new ones to flourish.

Visualization can also provide a springboard for our financial and job related success.Visualization brings your

mind into a state of focus and concentrates all of your mental powers toward accomplishing a single goal.

From the moment of your birth,you first emotional experiences establish your subconscious perceptions of the world.There is not a moment of the day or night that you are not affected by your emotions.More often than not it

is your programmed emotional states,not logic,that control your everyday behavior.Your subconscious mind

flawlessly records everything you have ever done,see,felt,heard,smelled ,or tasted.It takes the information it

accumulates,and divides and organizes it into separate programs that determine how you will respond to recurring circumstances and experiences in your daily life.

Experts estimate that your subconscious mind generates over 60,000 thoughts per day, and your inner voice speaks to you at a rate of 1200 words per minute.However,you can only speak about 250 words per minute.You can now see just how active and powerful your subconscious mind is and that by controlling it, you control your life.

Once a program is formed by the subconsciou s mind ,it will focus considerable effort to the continuation of the

preprogrammed behavior or action,regardless of the consequences to your life.There are two subconscious actions

that activate an emotional state ,which results in a program of thoughts and actions.Think of these two different

subconscious componenets as switches on a recording system.When these switches are pulled,the subconscious mind begins to power up and create a response.This response is an emotional state, which in return,creates a mental and physical reaction causing you to think or act out a preprogrammed response.The two trigger compo-

nents of the subconscious mind are (1) asking yourself a question and(2) self-talk.

In order to gain control of your reality,gain control of your thoughts.Begin by consciously replacing negative

thoughts with positive ones.

Cultivate winning thoughts

Don't allow the seed of doubt to be planted in your mind.Aggressively guard against negative thinking patterns.

Begin thinking about the house or car you will buy with your first million dollars.Remember that positive thinking is a choice you make.

You are in possession of a powerful ability.It is commonly known as a hunch,an insight,a gut feeling ,or sudden

inspiration.The ability is the power that feeds,enhances,and ignites your focused vision or ideas.It's your intuition

This ability enables the executive to foresee a clear solution during a time of need,change,or in the face of hard

economic times.

The sixth sense is simply a way of characterizing the mind's subconscious ability to instantly draw stored information.,ideas ,and feelings from its memory banks and turn it into a suggestion or emotion.Instuition can come as flash or as flow of ideas and suggestions,each one affecting the next until you have a clear pattern of

innovative thoughts and actions.

Take advantage of the workings of your subconscious mind.When your subconscious mind accepts an idea,it uses

all of its resources to that end and mobilizes the mental and spiritual laws of your deeper mind, for better or for

worse.Don't flood you mind with negative thoughts and statements,rather,begin thinking like a superhuman bent

on enhancing your present performance in life.Solutions are inevitable when your thoughts are positive and loving.Accept the superhuman idea that you control your destiny,let your subsconscious mind begin feeling its

reality now,and the law of your mind will do the rest.

Pain is the ultimate teacher of lessons.Begin taking responsibility for your life and all of the circumstances and

events that are in it.If you are unhappy,wish for money or a better job and decide to make the changes and take

positive action to elevate your performance and grasp your destiny.

Your physical presence is the picture and impression you give everyday to your family,friends,coworkers,and fellow human beings.How you look and feel physically is a direct reflection of your competence.

A person's ability to take control of their physical condition is a direct reflection of their time management skills,

decision-making ability,and work ethic.

How does one master physical control? Physical control is the result of a self-disciplined lifestyle,which includes

successful time management,mental conditioning ,and proper goal setting.To master physical control,you must

first schedule time for exercise,adopt proper nutrition guidelines,and continually strive to meet your exercise

goals.The number one reason that people fail to lose weight,stay with a diet plan,or stick to an exercise program

is that they lacked these basic ingredients to begin with.Understand that in order to take control of your physical

body,you must make this a top priority in your life.

Remeber that your physical appearance is a huge billboard that advertises your competence,self-worth,and work

ethic.This is in indirect reflection of your selfdiscipline.How you present yourself in everyday life,whether it is

at home or at the office,is simply the ability to personally control your appearance,words,and actions.

Nothing improves your performance like preparation.Plan your day before you go to bed and get up early to prepare yourself.

A healthy body enhances the healthy mind..Pay attention to the information on nutrition.Investigate and acquire\

the knowledge nutrition.Move with agility and strength.Study vitamins ,supplements,herbs,and healthy lifestyles.

Eat clean foods such as fruits ,and vegetables.Take pride in your possessions.

Assume the responsibility of personal control and appearance,and everyone will notice the benefits.

"Tell me what you eat,and I will tell you what you are."

Today,many scientific studies now conclude that the body and mind are powerfully connected and if one is not

operating at peak levels,the other suffers drastically.Taking control is about treating and maintaining both of

these precious miracles with careful nutrition to create the powerful life you deserve.Make no mistake about it,

eating properly is a constant battle in which your life hangs in the balance.Nutritional warefare is a concept of

techniques and information that will provide you with the ability to successfully do battle with the forces of evil

that lurk in our stores,restuarants and refrigerators everyday.

The ancient people of the Himalayas are a perfect study in mental clarity,physical strenght,and longevity.Many

live well beyond 100 and maintain sharp minds and strong bodies through out their lives,performing incredible

feats well past our society's retirement age.These self-disciplined masters go for weeks on end without food or

sleep and can endure very high levels of pain in adverse conditions.What is the secret of their powerful lives?

It is simpl y that they eat in moderation and follow a strict natural diet with self-discipline.

The 5,000-year-old diet that the Himalayan people follow is a pure diet based on living foods-those created by

nature,sun ,air ,water,and Mother Earth.The disciplined diet focuses on fruits,fruit juices,vegetables, and grains.

By making changes to your diet that ensure these life-giving foods make up at least 85% of your intake,you will

win the first important battle of nutritional warfare.In order to gain physical mastery and life-control,you must

dig deep inside yourself and find the will to eat natural and fresh foods only.Meat products are simply dead foods.

Our stomatch and intestines are dramatically different than those of carnivores and are more anatomically similar to fruit -and vegetation-eating primates.

If meat is so hard on our bodies, why do we eat it?Many people argue that vegetarian diets do not provide protein,

but ironically those who eat a lot of red meat ingest the lowest -quality protein available.Meat contains a high

concentration of uric acid,which cannot be broken down by the liver and can lead to deadly health problems.

Fruits,vegetables,and certain dairy products provides a superior quality of protein to that found in meat.Take a

look at the most powerful animals on this planet,the gorilla and the elephant have about 35 times the strength

of a human and subsist completely on fruits,grains,and vegetables.

Nutrition is the science of nourishment,and the study of nutrients and the processes by which organisms utilize


Here are the six nutrients found in foods:







Protein,carbohydrates ,and fat provide the body with calories.Vitamins,water,and minerals provide no calories

for your body.Carbohydrates and proteins supply the body with four calories per gram,and fats supply the body

with nine calories per gram.Carbohydrates are sugars and starches in food that are usually called simple and

complex carbohydrates.They provide the main fuel and energy source in the body.Examples of complex carbohy-

drates include the starches in bread,pasta,rice,cereals,and whole grain foods.Simple carbohydrates include the

sugars in fruits and vegetables.Refined simple sugars include table sugar,which is found in processed foods like

cookies,candy,cakes.Sodas,fruit punch,and ice cream.

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you.Never excuse yourself.Never pity

yourself.Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else.

Here are few important facts you should know about your subconscious mind.

Your brain stores enough information to fill 100 million books.This amazing warehouse of inform-

ation houses the solution to your problems somewhere inside of it.Sadly,only a small portion of this

information is easily available to your conscious mind.

When your are perplexed by a certain problem,you can order your subconscious mind to begin

looking through all of the data in its warehouse for ideas and solutions to this problem.As you go

about conducting your regular business at hand,your subconscious mind is busy searching and

matching information and experiences that relate to this particular problem.At some point in time,

your subconscious mind will relay this information to your conscious mind.This information would

never have been recalled by the conscious mind.

The subconscious mind will accept almost any thought you present to it.The power of suggestion is

how we program or task our subconscious mind.The conscious mind is controlled by logic,and

suggestion and thoughts control the subconscious.If you were to tell your subconscious mind over

and over again that you could fly it,it would believe this as fact even though the conscious mind

knows it to be untrue.

Our brains have become dumping grounds for massive amounts of information.On any given day,our senses are

bombarded with commercials,news,music,e-mails,web sites and hundreds of other information mediums that flood

our minds with useless clutter.Never before has it been so hard to stay focused on a simple task without being flooded with information.

Today's professional must learn how to control the incredible influx of information into their lives by filtering

out distractions and continually staying on top of their ever-changing field of expertise.Knowledge control is more than just filtering information,it is about becoming the top expert in your chosen profession.

Becoming an expert in a profession involves constant study,networking,writing ,speaking ,and organization.Most

people fail to understand that our success at work is dependent upon not only our daily performance but also our

knowledge of the subject -matter and our ability to display it.