
Combine Reason and Emotion
Expanding Your Gratitude
Security Enhancer
The Destiny Planner
Transformational Vocabulary
Integrate Financial Organization into Your Lifestyle
Make Saving a Habit
Be Innovative
Embrace New Responsibilities and Change
Focusing On What Matters Most

We are what we think.We become what we believe.Our life is what we visualize.Our life is what we say it is.We can

change our lives by changing our thoughts.

Our thoughts and words are all-powerful.Through our thoughts and words, we create our lives.We are the only ones

who have complete control over our thoughts and words because we are the only thinkers in our minds.This is why

we are so powerful.

More and more people are awakening to the simple fact that what they think,declare,and focus on is what they attract

into their lives.

We are the only victims of our own thinking.If your life is not working, it's time to look at your attitudes and thoughts

because only here will you find the key to taking control of your life and changing your destiny.

Decide on the life you want,visualize it ,affirm it, decree it, foucs on it, have faith in it,and you will find yourself living

this life much sooner and much faster than you ever dreamed possible.

The outside world is just a manifestation of what we choose to think about.Focus on sickness, poverty, and misery,

and you will experience these things instantly.Change your focus and concentrate on the feast of life,on your bless-

ings,on all the Good in life, on vibrant health and the abundance of the universe-and instantly they will appear for you.

What changed?The universe surely didn't.All that changed was your thinking.

Look around you.Most people are struggling desperately everyday to survive or to perform,achieve and succeed.The

real point of power is inside.So do the inner work.Examine your thoughts and attitudes,dump the ones that don't work,

and adopt the focus that will create the life you want to live.

And leave the outer plane alone.The outer plane will take care of itself.It's like a magical computer printout of your

life: anytime you press the print command,it will give you an exact reading of what you are thinking on the inner plane.

So forget struggle.Forget hardship.Forget poverty,sickness,and unhappiness.Do the inner work and start enjoying

your life right now.

When you recognize the Force and stop resisting the nature of human evolution, you will find that your entire life

changes.When you realize that you are 100 percent responsible for everything that happens in your life,that your

Higher Self in fact designed your life for your own soul growth, and that every difficulty you meet on your pathway

through life is part of your learning process, you will experience a feeling of relief ,elation,and true liberation.

You will understand that all struggle on the outer plane solves nothing.You will see that we are not victims of any-

thing.There are no accidents in life and no victims.

Life is a game we cannot lose because we are all here to evolve,no matter what happens.

In fact,life on Planet Earth is like going to school.This is our classroom,which we designed ourselves for our own

benefit.And struggle is only a sign that we are resisting,that we are not yet doing the inner work we must do sooner

or later to move on to the next stage of our evolution.

Everything in your life ,my life, and everyone else's comes from the infinite universe.The infinite universe is the

source and provides us with everything.And since there is an infinite,endless supply of matter and energy,how

can we lack?

Poverty is really the failure to recognize the infinite universe as the source of everything.Other people are not your

source,nor is your job, the welfare society ,the government,your family ,or outside circumstances.None of these

things are the source of your life,wealth or prosperity.Other people and situations are the channels through which

the abundance of the universe manifests in your life...but they are not the source.

So recognize the true source of all life and abundance and open your heart and mind to greater Good,greater

prosperity,increased health,abundance, peace ,and joy in your life.It is always there, just waiting for your recogni-

tion.So stop limiting your Good ,your health ,or your wealth by limiting your ideas or stating that you can only

receive from fixed channels.For example,don't say that you live on a fixed income(in other words,on your salary)

because by doing so, you are closing the doors to the source of infinite supply.Realize ,affirm,and visualize your

Good coming to you through an unlimited number of channels from the infinite universe.

Do you know your word is law?That what you say, even casually, becomes your reality?I am quite sure people

would be much more careful of what they say if they were aware of the power of the spoken word.

You see,every word you speak or write is an affirmation.To affirm is literally to make firm.To affirm is to manifest

your thoughts into material form.

Unfortunately, far too many people ,not realizing the power of their words,are affirming lack,poverty,illness,and

unhappiness for themselves.By complaining and proclaiming misery,they are decreeing and creating the very

misery,lack,pain and sorrow they so dislike.

You are the only person in your mind.You can decide,right now, to take control of your words,both written and

spoken,and thereby take control of your destiny.After all ,you and no one else is responsible for what comes out

comes out of your mouth.No one else can force you to speak words of negatively.It's your decision.So if you want

to change your life,take responsibility for your own words right now.

Once you become aware of the power of words,you can quickly see why other people's lives are as they are.Just

listen to what they are saying,to their conversations.It's very revealing.People who complain all the time, who focus on misery,who are always moaning and groaning about how difficult their lives are,really do have difficult

lives.Their lives are as they decree them to be.

Those who proclaim joy,success, and love,thos who speak positive words, who decree that good things are happen-

ing,live joyful,successful, interesting ,loving lives.

Since that we focus on increases ,when we focus on the negative, we give it our power.And thus it grows.By denying

the negative,by refusing to give it our attention,we remove our power from it- and it will wither for lack of attention.

When you listen to people's conversations, you find that most people are complaining about something most of the

time.If it's not money problems or the weather, it's their health, their children, or they relationships.And by speak-

ing costantly of lack and difficulties, they create more lack and difficulty for themselves.

Refuse to speak of lack or difficulties.Refuse to support negative emotions and fears in yourself or others.Pull

back.Don't participate.If you can't express your feelings out loud,at least say silently to yourself.No.No.No.I do

not accept this is true.People will get tired of complaining-at least to you- if you don't support their complaints

or participate in the conversation.If you're brave, you can say you don't believe it's true.You might gently point

out something that is good and try to shift the focus of the conversationto something positive.

Every word you speak is an affirmation.Your word is law.Your words are your affirmations for your life.So what

you decree and proclaim (say aloud) for yourself quite literally becomes your reality.So beware!

Don't dwell on your difficulties ,problems or aches and pains.Refuse to speak about them.Refuse to give them

any notice.Refuse to give any notice.Refuse to give them your power.Instead ,when people ask you how you're

doing,tell them something good.You can always find something good to focus on and report.If you can't find

something good to say, then at least you can keep quiet.Silence is another way of saying no to the negative.By not

speaking of problems and difficulties,you give them no power.

Refuse to gossip,criticize ,or speak negatively about other people.

If you praise people,even difficult or irritating people, amazing things often happen.This is especially true when

you praise people who really bother you.It is as if your positive words reach them on the subconscious level,giving

power to the Good in them.Again , what we focus on grows.

If we allow ourselves to be bombarded with negative input from the media-violent movies,delpressing television

programs,neurotic stories and articles,sad tales of woe and horror-how can we expect the Good to grow?Your

time is precious and what you focus your attention on is also precious,because whatever you focus on grows.So

don't give your power to violence and/or negative thought forms.

Say either aloud or to yourself:"We live in an abundant,infinite universe.There is an infinite,unlimited supply of

everything in this universe ,including money.There is an everlasting abundance of resources in this world and money enough for everyone."The same goes for illness.Refuse to give it any power.If you focus on every little

ache and pain will grow.

Belief creates biology.Our bodies and our immune systems are strongly influenced by our mental states.Scientists

have proven that depressed thoughts weaken our immune system.Happy thoughts strenghten us.

Whenever thought goes, a chemical goes with it.We must conclude that the body is capable of producing and bio-

chemical response once the mind has been given the appropriate suggestions....if we could effectively trigger the

intention....the body would carry it out automatically.

The Power of Visualization.Our power to think,conceive ,imagine,and create mental images is working all the time.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly picturing or seeing things in our mind's eye.We are "visuali-


The implications of this phenomenon are enormous.Have you noticed that people who are depressed,who think

negatively,who see(imagine or visualize) gloom,doom,despair,and failure everyswhere they look,usually lead gloomy,desperate lives?And that bright ,cheerful people who think positively and picture Whatever the mind of

man can conceive and believe it can acheive!

The good news is this:We can learn to harness our power to see,picture,and imagine to create the lives we want

to live.We are all using this picturing power all the time,but most people are picturing or imagining quite uncon-

sciously.In other words,they are not aware of what they are doing.They are not aware that they are constinually

imagining and picturing for themselves,for other people,and for the world in general.And if they are aware,chances

are they are not aware of how powerful an effect this process of "mental picturing" has on their lives.This is very

unfortunate because so many people use this power to imagine or visualize to see pain, suffering ,and failure for

themselves when,with a little training, they could unleash the power of their imaginations to create greater Good.

Not only that,our power to picture or imagine also affect s our health.This is because, as scientists have now proved,every thought we think creates or triggers a biochemical reaction in our bodies.This is why so many

teachers in the human potential movement,teach that if we can learn to trigger or program ourselves and our

subconscious minds with positive intentions, our bodies will automatically carry out thes intentions.Unfortunately

most people do the opposite.But it is important to remember;"Intention is the active partner of attention.Our

past intentions create obsolete programming that seems to have control over us.In truth,the power of intention

can be reawakened at anytime...and you can consciously program your mind...using the power of your intention."

Our thoughts and pictures are the blueprints we place in our subconscious minds , and our lives are a fulfillment

of these thoughts,concepts and pictures,whether they are positive or negative.Our lives on the outer plane are.,

in fact ,nothing more than the physical manifestation of what is going on in our minds.

Haven't you heard people say,"It's all in your mind,"or "It 's just your Imagination'?Well,there's more thruth to

this than most people realize.And if it is just our imaginations,if our imaginations are such a powerful force that we

can create health and happiness for ourselves by training our imagination to picture our Good,then surely we've

discovered one of the most powerful tools ever for improving life on Planet Earth!

So why not decide ,right now,that whenever you catch yourself"picturing" a negative outcome for yourself or others, you consciously change your mental image and picture something good happening.Once you start watching

your thoughts- your inner mental chatter-you might be surprised by what you discover.

Someone once said that 99 percent of what we think today is a repetition of what we thought yesterday.And if you

are picturing negative outcomes...that sounds pretty serious,doesn't it?

Besides beginning to become aware of your inner dialogue and consciously trying to change it to the positive,you

can do specific exercises to train and develop your ability to picture successful outcomes and to reprogram

yourself, your body,and your behavior.

Alpha is what we call the state we're in when our brain waves slow down to about half their normal frequency.This

happens naturally just before we fall asleep and as we wake up in the morning.Researchers have found that good

things happen to our bodies when our brains are at alpha level.Blood pressure becomes normal,pulse rate stabilizes

stressed,tense organs relax,and the body generally becomes revitalized.

When we are active and wide awake,our brain waves pulsate at about 14-21 pulsations per second.This state is

called beta.When we relax or are about to fall asleep,our brain waves slow down to 7-14 pulsations per second,

to the state called alpha.As we enter sleep,pulsations slow down even more.Light sleep is called theta and is bet-

ween 4-7 pulsations per second,and deep sleep or delta is anything fewer than 4 pulsations per second.So alpha

is definetely a place to go.Why?Because alpha is a natural,comfortable,peaceful.blissful,relaxed state.Everyone

feels good when they're in alpha.

There are many different techiques for entering the alpha state, such as meditation,chanting prayer,listening to

soothing music, autogenic training ,biofeedback,and so forth.Lots of people have their own special routines for or

ways of sending themselves into alpha.In fact, many people are enjoying the alpha state when they're day dreaming....they just don't know they're in alpha.There are also many relaxation tapes that guide you easily and

effortlessly into alpha.

Do you know what you want?And how to get it? Many people don't.

Not only do they not know what they want,if they knew,they wouldn't know how to get it either.

To know what you want-and get it too-is a matter of focus.

What is focus?

Focusing just means to pay attention to ,and to concentrate on, something.Actually, we're all experts at focusing

because that's just what we're doing whenever we dwell on a subject.

Take hypochondriacs.Even though they don't usually produce what we would call "great results" in their lives, they

in fact are experts at focusing.Unfortunately for them,instead of turning the x-ray beam of their minds to the single

-minded pursuit of some higher goal.Once you become aware of how your mind works,you can turn things around

and train yourself to use your power of concentration to create and achieve what you want in life.

Realize that focusing is just a matter of conscious choice.

Money is not the source of misery, violence, crime ,revolution, drug addiction, or unhappiness-poverty is.If you look closely at the stories behind the bad news,you will find that povety is almost always behind violence,crime,

misery,drug addiction,and unhappiness between people.

Poverty is no fun.It's hard to be happy if you are poor.Financial problems and pressures are terribly stressful.

Financial problems and pressures often cuase nevous breakdowns.

Poverty can drive people to drink and drugs.poverty is not only uncomfortable,it is a degrading experience.Nobody

really wants to be poor.Normal ,healthy people want to have enough money to enjoy the good things in life.

If you're honest with yourself,you'll have to admit that this is true.We all have a deep desire to enjoy the blessings

and abundance of this infinite universe.But if you recognize that we live in an abundant universe,why shouldn't

we enjoy all the Good the universe has for us?

Since our attitudes govern our lives,our attitudes toward money determine whether we live a life of lack or one of

increasing prosperity.Do you bless your money? Do you give thanks for the blessings you already have?Do you

feel you deserve abundance? If not,why not? Do you believe there is more than enough for everyone?

Focus on prosperity and your income will increase.Since,we always manifest what we focus on,when we focus on

abundance,when we feel we deserve abundance,when we joyfully accept and praise the money we have right now,

we automatically attract more money.

Most people are using the law of attraction to do the opposite-to stay poor.Without being aware of it, they focus

on abundance,when we feel we deserve abundance,when we joyfully accept and praise the money we have right

now,we automatically attract more money.

Most people are using the law of attraction to do the opposite- to stay poor.Without being aware of it, they focus on and create lack in their lives by complaining about their lack of money,the high cost of living, the government,the

high level of unemployment,and so forth.

If you want to change your life,stop talking about lack.Refuse to listen to people who complain about lack.Don't

participate in conversations about lack.And don't think negative thoughts about your financial situation,about

the money in your bank accout ,or about your debts,try this.Regard every bill that drops into your mailbox as a sign that someone trusted you.They trusted you enough and believed enough in your ability to pay for these goods

and services to actually give you the stuff in advance,way before you paid for it!What faith! Actually,you should

bless all these bills because they are a symbol of your ability to pay for whatever you now have in your life!

So it's very simple.Since your money is a symbol of the abundance of the universe,it's very important to clean up

your mental act in relation to money.

Don't limit yourself to a "fixed income" either.Remember,we live in an infinite universe, so abundance can come

to you from many sources.Be open to new channels of supply.Be aware that your Good can come from expected

and unexpected sources.Affirm dialy that your Good is increasing and that it's on its way to you now. Affirm daily

that you are open and receptive to a major increase in your level of prosperity right here and right now.

People who amass,accumulate,collect or hoard things they don't need, people who are stingy,people who are afraid

of spending their money or who hide their money away in vaults and secret bank accounts,people who are possess-

ive about their children,friends, or loved ones, are all resisting the natural order of the universe,which is constant

flow and change.

Since we live in the midst of this massive flow of energy, since we're all just channels through which the energy

flows,we can only be fine, okay,healthy, happy, prosperous,productive ,and enjoy life when we give and receive

naturally.When we don't think about giving and receiving ,but just do it,when we give naturally because this is

the nature of life,of being okay,then we are in harmony with the universe.Circulation is the natural order of things.

In fact, when you think about it,everything is already given to us: life,air ,water ,our parents, our bodies,food,this

planet,and people to play with.So why should we try to hold on to anything..when we already have everything?

Why should we resist the flow?Of course, when we do,it's because of fear.Fear that we will lose something,fear

that we won't have enough.But this fear is just an illusion.This fear springs from a basic lack of understanding of the nature of the universe.Once you remember your true origin, once you realize you already have everything, you

can dissolve this fear.

So if you have any problem in your life and you want to feel better.Start giving right away! Especially when things

in your life seem stuck,or when you're sick,or when you seem to lack financial means-that's when it's time to give.

Giving opens up the channels again.Giving get rid of congestion.Giving keeps the energy circulating,flowing .

Giving will open up the channels again.Giving gets rid of congestion.Giving keeps the energy circulating,flowing.

Giving will open the doors again so you can receive because you must give in order th receive...just as in Nature

you must so before you can harvest.This is the universal law.When you do not give or sow, you cannot reap.

Giving is an act of faith.Giving says you recognize that the infinite universe is the true source of all life,all abundance,and that you are a worthy child of this infinite universe who expects to receive all the blessings and

abundance that the universe provides.

You can give: Time,money, possessions,praise and blessings,love and understanding.

Silence is food for the soul,a gift from God Without silence, we may wither,become confused or fail to realize our

full potential.

Silence is a wonderful place where wonderful things happen.... Silence is where we get in touch with our inner voice, our intuition,our deepest feelings, dreams ,and desires....Silence is where we find the answers to question that

trouble us and the solutions to problems that seem insoluble.

So don't be afraid of silence.Seek it out.Because silence is your friend.Silence is a true blessing.

Unfortunately,many people fear silence becuase they do not realize that silence is their friend.A place of power ,a

magic garden, a sacred haven,where they can regroup, recharge, and revitalize theire energy.So they only feel

comfortable when they are surrouded by incessant activity, noise,talk,music ,television and the frantic pace of city

life.When such people are not working ,they're talking on the phone,making plans,watching television,meeting

friends ,going out,doing things.They're always busy and have forgotten the importance of maintaining a harmonious

balance between activity and rest.

Often there is the mistaken idea that something is wrong with us if we're not doing something all the time.Are you

like this? Do you believe you're got to be "produtive","active" all the time? If this is your program,I suggest you

do yourself a big favor and let this idea go , because not only are you missing one of life's true pleasures, you are

missing a G od- given place of power.So please be clear about this: You are dissipating your life force and your

creative energy if you never take time to renew yourself through silence.

One of the reasons we feel so much better when we are out in Nature is that we are so much closer to the force.

There are places out there,places on this earth,that are more powerful than others.A power spot overwhelms you

with its clarity and beauty,with its sense of harmony,and with the feeling of power you experience when you stand

on that spot.

Thank your body for being so beautiful, serving you so well,being such a wonderful instrument,carrying you around

all day long,digesting your food ,taking you to the movies every once in a while. I guarantee you your body will glow with delight...and so will you.