
Positioning For Global Networking
How does Network Marketing Work
What to look for in a Network Marketing Company
Network marketing compensation plans
Positioning For Global Networking
7 Steps Network Marketing Course
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Be a Part of The Definitive Guide to the Leading Personalities in the World's Most Explosive Industry


"All men dream," said Lawrence of Arabia, "but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men and women, for they act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible."

The network marketing industry is populated and growing with such entrepreneurially minded dreamers of the day who are pioneering new frontiers of financial freedom. Are you one of them? If so, you can receive the global exposure and recognition you need to make your business flourish on the Internet at Who's Who In Global Network Marketing.

Fleeing For Financial Freedom

The megatrend from dependent employment to independent self-employment during the past decade through network marketing is akin to America's founding families fleeing Europe for freedom and financial opportunity in America.

Although the United States and Canada have two of the world's greatest free enterprise economies, most people are trapped as wage slaves in what can be referred to as the 40/40/40 Career Plan--40 minutes in traffic, for 40 hours a week, for 40 years---for which one receives a $40 dollar watch and retires dead broke. This time sensitive career path now requires 18.5 hours more per week than it did 20 years ago for a family to just maintain the same standard of living.

"If the '70s were the Me Decade, and the '80s the Greed Decade," stated the late Jerry Rubin, "then the '90s will be called the Flee Decade. Baby boomers are fleeing the corporate world in droves, crying, 'I can't take it anymore! I want to be in charge of my life! My time! My freedom!'"

Networking In The Information Era

"The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few," states John Naisbitt in his New York Times bestseller Megatrends, "but information in the hands of many." In an information society---for the first time in civilization---the game is people interacting with other people. The failure of hierarchies to solve society's problems on a personal level forced people to talk to one another---and that was the beginning of networking. "With information as the most important resource," points out Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell, "access to the economic system is much easier."

"Simply stated," says Naisbitt, "networking is people talking to each other, sharing ideas, information, resources, and contacts. The point is often made that networking is a verb, not a noun. The important part is not the network, the finished product, but the process of getting there---the communication that creates the linkages between people and clusters of people."

Structurally, the most important thing about a network is that each individual is at its center. Then, from one's primarily circle of relationships and acquaintances emanates ever expanding circles of influence. Experienced networkers claim they can reach anyone in the world within only six interactions and that networking offers what bureaucracies can never deliver---a horizontal link of peer relationships with people on every level of society. "What occurs in a network," continues Naisbitt, "is that members treat one another as peers---because what is important is the information---the great equalizer."

The Personal Financial Freedom Revolution

"Consumerism is the economic _expression of the American Revolution," explains Jim Turner, one of the leading consumer experts in the United States. In a presentation about the future of the consumer movement, Turner makes two key points that are helpful to understanding the paradigm shift people are making from "consumers" to "prosumers" through network marketing. A prosumer could be defined as a person profitably positioned and participating in the process of promoting products and services.

First, consumerism is not a new movement; it is deeply rooted in American history. The basic premise of the American Revolution is that power ought to flow from the bottom up (that is, from the people up) rather than from the top down (from the King down). That is central to American values whether you are talking politics or economics. Second, consumerism will increase during the '90s and become increasingly participatory. Turner concludes that: "Consumers are to economics what voters are to politics."

Network Marketing: A Powerful Force In Global Marketing

The network marketing groundswell that was begun more than 50 years ago by Dr. Carl Rehnborg, founder of Nutrilite Products, is reaching tidal-wave proportions in the late-'90s. "Network marketing," reports John Milton Fogg, editor of Network Marketing magazine and author of The Greatest Networker in the World, "is exploding as a powerful force in the new era of global marketing."

According to the Direct Selling Association, network marketing is a significant business in at least 44 countries. More than 20 million distributors are currently active worldwide, generating retail sales estimated at $75 billion (in U.S. dollars). The United States has 11.5 million distributors who accounted for $20 billion in domestic sales last year. Internationally, 150,000 people (of which, 50,000 are in North America) are joining network marketing programs each week.

In his bestselling book Wave Three: The New Era in Network Marketing, Richard Poe, former senior editor of Success magazine, states, "It is only Wave Three, now making its entrance, that finally offers the masses a realistic promise of financial freedom. Through new systems and technology, Wave Three enables average men and women--not just super salespeople--to enjoy the fruits of entrepreneurship while avoiding many of its hardships... Wave Three will transfer massive power into the hands of common folk--the power of self-sufficiency, self-management, and self-mastery."

"Top-Down" Vs. "Bottom-Up" Marketing Communications

The advertising world in the United States is a "top-down" hierarchy where power, control, and communications flow from New York's Madison Avenue to the rest of the country. In one decade, from the early '80s to the early '90s, the estimated dollar volume of advertising in the United States almost doubled. Corporations now spend more than $100 billion a year to get their message out. That means $400 per person worth of advertising annually is directed at every man, woman, and child in the form of tens of thousands of print, television, and other forms of advertisements.

Network marketers are also in the marketing communications business. The power and communication that Madison Avenue can never buy, however, flows "bottom-up" from a networker's "high-touch" sharing their personal experience about products, services and opportunities with another person. Multi-level Marketing (MLM) companies use the dollars that would be normally spent on advertising to instead compensate networking distributors.

Why Positioning?

You may not know it, but your business has a position or niche in marketplace. Every business does, home-based or multinational. "There are two unassailable facts that force everyone in business to adopt a position," says Jay Levinson, author of Guerrilla Marketing For The Home-Based Business, "before someone does it for you."

  1. The marketplace is cluttered with competition.
  2. For your home-based business to succeed, you need to cut through that clutter.

Faced with a deluge of information, our brains respond by pigeonholing products and services into categories, then forming a mental ladder for each category. The positioning battle is what has captured top rung on a particular ladder in a person's mind. For example, for soft drinks: Coke or Pepsi; for cars: Chevrolet or Ford; or for hamburgers: MacDonald's or Burger King.

Ask almost anyone what comes to mind at the mention of network marketing and you'll probably get two answers: Amway and a Pyramid---the industry's largest company and a marketing misconception. Not only have these two names captured top rungs in the public's awareness, unfortunately they also have negative connotations. If this is your experience, you may need to re-position yourself.

The Art Of Positioning: "Top-Down" Vs. "Bottom-Up"

Companies, products and services are the primary focus of top-down "king of the mountain" positioning. Jay Levinson points out that if you're first in a category, you can usually invent your own position. Just because you're first, however, doesn't mean you get to stay there forever. Sears failed to respond to Wal-Mart's challenge and gave up its position as retailer to the middle class. Technically, it really doesn't matter who is first as long as your product or service owns top position in the consumer's mind. There was overnight delivery before FedEx but it was first to claim the consumer's consciousness.

People are, or should be the primary focus of bottom-up positioning. As such, don't worry about being first or king of the mountain. With network marketing, it's a level playing field and everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve the success they choose. The most important issue is not the network marketing industry, MLM companies, the marketing method, products, services, or opportunities---its YOU! As John Naisbitt says, networking is first PEOPLE and meaningful relationships who fulfill the high-touch need for belonging. Secondly, talking to each other, sharing ideas, information, resources (products and services), and contacts.

It seems, however, that most networkers have the emphasis on the wrong syl-lab-le. The clutter that is clogging mail boxes, phones messages, fax machines and now e-mail pitch propositions rather than people. To cut through the clutter, you've got to re-position YOU, Inc. or YOUR FAMILY, Inc. as the focal point of your business.

How To Position Yourself From The Bottom-Up

Creating your position is not a matter of luck, it's part art and part science and there are discernible steps to reaching this goal. Do your research by asking these crucial questions:

What is my position now?

Your sponsor, upline or downline associates, a prospect, or knowledgeable observer (preferably several perspectives) can provide valuable input.

What position do other network marketers occupy?

Most networkers articulate their position in relation to the MLM company with whom they're affiliated---"I'm a network marketing distributor for XYZ company." As such, they communicate a functional position that focuses on a company, products, services and business opportunity.

What position would I like to occupy?

To create your personal position, orchestrate components such as your personality, profile, purpose, plan, personal example as a mentor, partners or networking associates and your photo. Define your niche or position statement in thirteen words of less. If you can't, how can you expect your prospects and downline to?

Who are network marketers in my desired position?

Many successful people define positions that are results-focused rather than activity-focused. A couple of examples are: "Own Your Life" or "We network with self-motivated people in personalized and diversified secondary business careers to achieve financial freedom."

Positioning: Once You've Got It, Articulate It

How can you most profitably position yourself for global network marketing NOW and into the 21st Century? Who's Who In Global Network Marketing offers the following suggestions.

"It's not enough to know your position," says Jay Levinson, "you have to be able to communicate it to others." Once you've decided how to express your position and profile in words with perhaps your photo, get the word out in both print (photo business cards, letterhead, direct mail letters, checks, newsletter masthead, signs, and thank-you notes) and electronic media (Internet Who's Who listing, a web site, hot links to associates and MLM company affiliations. Do more than just state your position in words. Make sure that all your materials and Internet presence convey your position in visual terms, too.

You can place a listing on Who's Who in Global Network Marketing on the Internet of your pertinent information, position statement, MLM company(s) affiliations, E-Mail and Web Site icon hot links by your country, state and city of residence in the traffic of thousands of business opportunity seekers for only $99 a year.

If you don't already have an Internet web site to hot link from your Listing, Who's Who can provide a web site for your Profile that can include photos, graphics and even audio and video streaming. For maximum exposure, Spotlight Profile hot links are available by country, state and city. Refer to Products and Ordering from the Master Directory Menu for details.

Never Before Has There Been This Kind Of International Exposure For Your Network Marketing Business

Once you have articulated your position and profile, Who's Who In Global Network Marketing will help you communicate it to millions of people throughout the world. By enhancing your "horizontal link" globally, you can participate in networking the personal financial freedom revolution throughout the world.

Get listed in Who's Who In Global Network Marketing today. There's a whole new world of networking business associates waiting to interact with you!