
Step 6
How does Network Marketing Work
What to look for in a Network Marketing Company
Network marketing compensation plans
Positioning For Global Networking
7 Steps Network Marketing Course
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

Step 6: CORE Qualities

To be successful in the network marketing business you need to develop the CORE Qualities. Once you yourself have the CORE Qualities you need to duplicate it to others in your organization. The CORE Qualities are simply the Basics that you need to do in order to be successful in the network marketing business. In any network marketing company, these qualities will determine ones success or failure. The CORE Qualities are: 1.You must be a product user. You must be a product of your product! Use, know and love your products. 2.Develop a consumer group. Have and maintain a group of loyal customers of about 20 to 50 people. These will provide you with some repeat business volume. 3.Make regular presentations The growth of your organization depends on your presentation. Have at least 3 presentations a week if you wish to see some reasonable growth. 4.Attend all functions Make sure that you attend all meetings, workshops, seminars and rallies conducted by your upline leaders. Your success depends on how many of your people are in these functions. 5.Spend daily self-improvement time. There are plenty of good books, tapes, videos and CDs on self improvement and development. Get it and make it a habit to digest it. Your upline organization may have some recommendations for you. Plug into the system and improve yourself mentally. It has been said that the degree of success in your network marketing business will depend on how much you have improved and developed mentally. Spend at least 15 minutes a day reading. Listen to cassette tapes when you are driving or caught in traffic jams. 6.Be Teachable You must have an attitude of willingness to learn. Network marketing is something new to you, so absorb as much as possible from your leaders. Follow the successful leaders and system in placed. Do not reinvent the wheel. 7.Be Accountable Network marketing is a business of relationship and trust. You must be accountable for your own success and failures. You need to be honest and a person of integrity. Mean what you say and say what you mean. When you promise your prospects or downlines that you will meet them at 8.00 pm, make sure that you are there on time. 8.Edify the organization I know that I have mentioned this before, but it is worth repeating again because it is of utmost importance. 9.Follow the System To be successful you need to be a good "Copycat". Your leaders have tested and implemented a system that works. What you need to do is just follow the system in place and duplicate it to your downlines.