
How does Network Marketing Work
How does Network Marketing Work
What to look for in a Network Marketing Company
Network marketing compensation plans
Positioning For Global Networking
7 Steps Network Marketing Course
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

network marketing is a business model whose time has come. It is literally the finest example of the free enterprise system. One in which common people can invest a small sum of money and through sheer tenacity in determination rise to staggering levels of financial reward and personal freedom.

Just like your employer leverages your time, through network marketing you can leverage the time of others. What does this mean? Each of you is doing a small amount gathering customers and starting new people into your business.You are looking at a business model that will take 3 to 5 years to produce the kind of results you’re looking for.

So don’t give up your day job just yet. It will require 5 to 20 hours of work a week become successfull in Network Marketing. This is not a get rich quick overnight program, never has and never will be.

Network marketing is based on word of mouth advertising which is the best form of advertising. Think about it when you go out and watch a great movie you go out and tell people about it. When Sam’s club or Costco moved to your area, you joined their buying club and started telling everyone how much you saved.

Major advertising agencies and companies count on this. This is one of the things that we do as network marketers. The major difference is that we get paid for our word of mouth advertising.

One of the most often asked questions is will I have to sell products and services? The answer is of course yes. Think about it no one likes to have a salesman or woman come to the door and sell them products right. We all hate to go to the car dealers, where you are swarmed with 5 different sales people all trying to get you to buy from them right!

So how are we different? We just recommend products and services that we like and personally use. If we know it’s good and personally use it, recommending it to our friends and family is very easy.